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...the red front door...

Roy Duff, my maternal grandfather painted homes in Toronto. I am told that his “signature” touch on every house he painted was a cheery red front door. It was so long it possible that he started this classic craze? We'll never know I guess...I love a red front door. To me it says; “Hello, we try to be as cheerful as possible in this house”, “Hello…we are happy to see you!”, “Hello…this is a house of love” (without actually hanging signs on the walls stating “this is a house of love”). A rich red is one of those colours that I think you can toss randomly (and sparingly) into any palatte of colours, and into any room … or any outfit…and I think that is because we all subconsciously feel it represents love. And…love is something we all need to be reminded of wherever we go …constantly…

My home will always sport a red front door … thanks Roy Duff!

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